It's official!
As the President and Secretariat of the first annual Model United Nations Conference at Emma Willard School, I am pleased to announce that the date for our conference is official. After some intense hours of debating, planning, and organizing the details of the conference, everything is almost settled and decided. The conference will take place at the Emma Willard campus in Troy, Ny on March 7th, 2015 from 9:00 am- 6:30 pm.
There will be an Opening Ceremony from 9:00-9:30 am with a guest
speaker, introduction from the EWMUNC Staff, a word from the Secretariat and
the Secretary General (President and Vice-President), and our philosophy and
goals. It will end at 6:00pm with the start of our Closing Ceremony where we
will have a word from each Chair and Assistant Chair following with awards
ceremony, and closing the day with a word from another guest speaker.
We wish to invite the delegations of schools nearby such as Albany
Academy, Troy High School, La Salle, and in addition invite the delegations of
Salisbury School, Avon Old Farms, and South Kent. For the moments, we are able
to provide 95 spots for the conference; yet, if there were to be an increased
amount of interest, we could easily create another committee and add 20-25
spots if it were to be the case.
In terms of financial circumstances, we would like to be able to
charge $15 for attending the conference, which will include Lunch and Snacks.
Nevertheless, we wish to provide some financial aid for those who are unable to
pay $15. In addition, we wish to request aid from the school in terms of lunch,
for this will be a school wide event, where clubs and different organizations
such as Round Square and UNICEF will be spreading awareness and also raising
money for distinctive causes.
Keep posted for more information to come on the planning of the conference...
Camila, it looks like you have done a lot of important decision making recently. It's exciting to read about how this is taking shape. I'm curious to know more about how you picked the staff. It's clear that you wanted people who brought a range of experiences, but how did you know who to put in each role?